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The NGO is continuously carrying out projects related to the maintenance and improvement of school facilities.


In 2013, before the NGO was founded, the maintenance of the school began, which was very deteriorated at that time.


To continue maintaining and carrying out projects we saw the need to create the NGO in 2014, as the continued increase in the number of children (from the initial 30 to 326 in 2019) meant that maintenance costs increased every year. and center management.


Once the NGO was founded, projects continued, such as the reconstruction of the building affected by the earthquake of April 25, 2015. Those projects were subsidized by Terrassa City Council.


In addition, fieldwork is carried out to find out the economic situation of the families in the neighborhood. Based on these studies, several projects have been carried out to help widowed and / or separated women in a situation of abandonment.


Nepal Ratna School

The Nepal Ratna School is the backbone project of the NGO.


It offers free and quality education to 326 children between 3 and 16 years old, who pass the official exams of the country every year.


It has a committed team of 18 teachers, 1 director, 3 people who are dedicated to cleaning and maintenance, and the timely collaboration of volunteers.

Sustainable social dining room

Last 2019 we launched a social canteen in the same Jarankhu neighborhood to offer a daily meal to the school children, most of whom cannot afford it.



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Restructuring of the building


The repair and rehabilitation of the building is permanent, both before and after the 2015 earthquake.


Before the founding of the NGO, funded by family and friends and when the school already existed, all the classrooms were painted, a small kitchen was rehabilitated and a well was built. Then we saw the need to make the water drinkable so that the children could drink it.



Secondary education


The secondary education project was launched in March 2017. This allows children to complete school education with an academic certificate that will help them get a skilled job, and thus be able to improve their living conditions and those of their families.


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Women's literacy


In 2016 we launched the women’s literacy project.

We try to provide empowerment tools for widowed mothers and / or abandoned by husbands, who are left helpless and discriminated against by society.


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Eradicating poverty through education is in everyone’s hands!
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